Prison Valley nominé au World Press Photo 2011

Par David Dufresne, 23 mars 2011 | 2967 Lectures

Prison Valley est finaliste du célèbre World Press Photo 2011, catégorie Multimedia. Il a été retenu ce matin même par le jury du fameux prix de Photojournalisme. La remise des prix aura lieu à Amsterdam le 7 mai prochain. On croise les doigts ,-)

At the conclusion of the 2011 World Press Photo Multimedia Contest judging in Amsterdam, the jury published a shortlist identifying the three multimedia productions selected in each category. The six shortlisted multimedia productions were chosen from more than 40 nominations.

Linear productions (in alphabetical order) :

Blanco A production by photographer Stefano De Luigi and VII Photo Agency. Blanco is the result of a four-year journey delving into the life of the visually impaired in 16 countries around the world. >More

The Home Front A production with photography by Marcus Yam and produced by Nancy Donaldson, Catrin Einhorn and Meaghan Looram for The New York Times. The Home Front is the story of two boys in the US who struggle to adjust when their father, a single dad and US soldier, is deployed to Afghanistan and they are sent to live with relatives. >More

A Man in the Forest A production by Lei Wang. A Man in the Forest is about a forest ranger that has lived in Hainan province rainforest in China for several years, working to monitor and protect the Hainan Black-Crested Gibbon.>More

Interactive multimedia (in alphabetical order) :

Powering a Nation A production with photography by Mike Ehrlich, Jessey Dearing, Lauren Frohne and Elena Rue and produced by Laura Ruel, Chad Stevens and Don Wittekind from The University North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Powering a Nation is an interactive production that explores energy use across different demographics in the US. >More

Prison Valley A production with photography by Philippe Brault in collaboration with author and co-director David Dufresne and produced by Alexandre Brachet and Gregory Trowbridge for Arte. Prison Valley in an interactive production that explores the prison industry in Cañon City, Colorado in the US.

A Year at War A production with photography by Damon Winter and Marcus Yam and produced by James Dao, Nancy Donaldson, Catrin Einhorn, Rob Harris, Meaghan Looram for The New York Times. A Year at War examines the yearlong deployment of one US battalion in Afghanistan. > More

More information :

Judging for the multimedia contest takes place at the World Press Photo office in Amsterdam from 18 to 21 March 2011. The jury for the 2011 multimedia contest consists of five highly respected professionals in visual journalism and multimedia productions. The members of the jury are :

Chair • Ed Kashi, USA, photojournalist, filmmaker and educator

Members • Claudine Boeglin, France, multimedia producer Thomson Reuters Foundation • Andrew DeVigal, USA, multimedia editor The New York Times • Kang Kyung-ran, South Korea, anchor and CEO Frontline News Service • Gideon Mendel, South Africa, freelance photographer

Secretary • Alan Stoga, USA, president Zemi Communications The contest is divided into two sections, for linear and for interactive multimedia. The jury will shortlist three productions per category. First prizes will be awarded a cash award of €5,000. The winning multimedia will be published on First, second and third prizes in each category will be announced during the World Press Photo Awards Ceremony on 7 May 2011. Maurice Lacroix, a Swiss watch manufacturer, is the official watch partner of the World Press Photo Awards Ceremony.

World Press Photo was founded in 1955 and is known for organizing the world’s largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. Its accolades are coveted by photographers across the world. The organization is now expanding its scope to reflect changes in the media with the judging of multimedia productions in a separate contest. With this expansion, World Press Photo aims to provide impetus to photojournalistic multimedia by recognizing productions of exceptional quality.

World Press Photo receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and is sponsored worldwide by Canon and TNT.

Editors please note :

Please contact Ms. Sasja de Bie at or tel : +31 (0)20 676 6096, for additional information and requests for interviews with jury members.

Prison Valley

La narration Prison Valley : une étude de cas

En route !