
spam spam spam, c’est la guerre...


Par David Dufresne, 27 mars 2003 | 48616 Lectures

pièces de collection

Titre du mail : Support our troops : Operation Freedom US Coin

Expéditeur : Freedom Coin

pièces de collection

Merci à Laurent G., qui nous a transmis copie de ce junk-mail, avec cette annotation : « Je serais heureux de contribuer à ta magnifique collection de spams avec cette pièce de bon goût, non dénuée de qualités artistiques (le visuel a une petit côté Village People qui m’excite). ». Voila, Laurent. C’est fait. Merci ,-)

t shirts

Le mail : Show Your American Patriotism & Support with These High-Quality Shirts !

(Hurry, supplies are very limited & they are going FAST !)

Now more than ever it’s time to unite as Americans and show our support for the brave men and women risking their lives overseas to preserve the integrity of this great nation. Show your patriotic spirit as you wear your shirt with pride. Make a statement to the world that America will not stand for terrorism nor any of its backers. America is the single greatest nation on the face of the planet and every step, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, should be taken to demonstrate our unity and support of freedom and democracy the world over.

T Shirt

Titre du mail : « Free Victory T-Shirt- thanking the U.S. Troops ! »

Le mail : le document ci-dessous


Titre du mail : « Support Your Troops - FREE Set of 3 Pins »

Le mail : le document ci-dessous.


Le mail : « Show Your Pride For America

Neil Armstrong. The Wright Brothers. Freedom and Liberty. Teddy Roosevelt. The Super Bowl. Our Strong Military. What makes you proud of America ? The list could go on and on. Are you proud to be an American ? Then let it be known.

During this difficult season in the life of our country, it’s important to stand unified as a nation. One of the ways we can do this is by making a public statement of our love and support for America

Take Pride America is dedicated to providing Americans with fine quality patriotic pins that can be worn to make a statement about our loyalty and support for this great nation. Each pin costs just $3.95 !

Wear your Take Pride America pins on a suit coat, a dress, a backpack, a collar, a lanyard, as a tie tack-anywhere you want to show your love for America.

Buy one to wear proudly yourself or buy a dozen to share with others.

A little pin can say an awful lot. Let’s stand together !

Click on the link to connect to Take Pride and let your true colors show.

Take Pride, America ! »

paris sportifs

Le mail : A contract on Saddam

« Do you think America will take Saddam Hussein out ? How long will it take ? The opinion polls suggest America believes the Iraqi dictator’s days are numbered. That belief is mirrored in data from the online trading exchange, Trade Sports .

When it comes to war, the United States can summon a remarkably high level of patriotism. Presidents ride high in the polls. The latest opinion polls show that 48 percent of Americans would back the use of armed force to topple Saddam Hussein, even if such action resulted in thousands of US casualties, with 36 percent opposed.

The truth about polls, however, is that they can be skewed by all kinds of factors. Sometimes, a man stopped on the street will tell a pollster what he thinks he should be saying, rather than what he truly believes himself.

Opinions backed by hard earned cash are about as genuine as you can get.

Trade Sports is an online trading exchange that up to now has restricted itself to contracts on sports. It has been particularly successful with its contracts on the new NFL season, with thousands of contracts bought and sold for each match. Over 3.5 mln contracts have been traded over its exchange since launch or $36,000,000 in risk capital.

Just like the New York Stock Exchange, there are buyers and sellers. I like the Giants at Arizona on Sunday, you like the Cardinals. The exchange offers a contract on the Giants to win and it’s currently trading at 59 (our of 100 or approximately 4/6). That means the market thinks the Giants have a 59% chance of winning. I buy 100 Giants contracts, you sell 100. If the Giants win, the exchange settles them at 100. I make 41 ’ticks’ (100 minus 59), which gives me $410 ($.10 a tick X 41 X 100). If the Giants lose, I drop $590 and you make the same amount.

The latest development is that traders can now trade politics. One intriguing contract is based on whether Saddam will be in power by the end of December, March 2003 or June 2003. On Tuesday 24 September the market had the contract for him not to be Iraqi leader on 31 December trading at 23. That was down a noticeable four points on the previous close.

What does it mean ? Perhaps it means traders are becoming sceptical about the prospects of a mooted strike.

Interestingly, however, the contract on Saddam not to be leader by March 31, 2003 was trading at 60 (4/6). Add another three months, with a contract on him not being in power come June 30, 2003, and the price rises to 80 (1/4). That means the market is saying he only has a 20 percent chance of still being the Iraqi ruler on that date.

Just as football fans tend to trade on their favourite team, sometimes against all the best evidence, is there a possibility that some traders could be swayed by patriotic feelings ?

The fact is that Saddam Hussein has been president and dictator of Iraq since 1979. In August of 1990 Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait. A US-led alliance kicked his forces out of Kuwait in the Gulf War. That war ended in February of 1991, with Saddam still in power. More than 11 years on, his reign continues.

Meanwhile, the world outside of America is unsure about whether attacking Iraq is the correct course of action, although in recent days rhetoric suggest others may be falling into line with the US. Given all we know, is it possible - even probable - that the market is too bullish on the chances of Saddam not being in power in December, let alone 80 bid (1/4) for June ’03 ?

Whatever happens, it will be interesting to see how these contracts trade on Trade Sports over the coming weeks. »


Vidéos X

Un site de vidéos X destinées aux soldats US. Son courrier des visiteurs est un régal.

Site X

Un site porno propose des scènes entre des femmes irakiennes et des soldats américains. Sur le site en question, dont j’ai préféré ne pas répercuter l’url, il est préciser que les scenes sont purement fictionnelles. Question : qui peut imaginer de telles fictions ?

kits de survie

Le mail  : « The US Government, FEMA & The Red Cross all recommend being prepared with a disaster supplies kit. Don’t be afraid.. Be Ready »

Ce spam n’est pas directement lié à la guerre. En revanche, il dénote d’un certain état d’esprit. Nous avons donc jugé qu’il avait toute sa place ici...


Le mail : Do you know the impact of war on global financial markets ?

Are your investments safe ?

C L I C K H E R E N O W ! F R E E D E T A I L S ! T I M E I S L I M I T E D !!

You cannot afford to ignore the vital information contained within this FREE special report.

To be removed from our mailing lists, please click here.


Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous.


Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous. Le titre : Great Opportunity, Make Money !


Titre du mail : « Veterans : Don’t Lose Your Benefits »
Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous.


Titre du mail : « WAR AND INVESTING ??? »
Le mail : ci-dessous

Do you know the impact of war on global financial markets ?

Are your investments safe ?

C L I C K H E R E N O W ! F R E E D E T A I L S ! T I M E I S L I M I T E D !

You cannot afford to ignore the vital information contained within this FREE special report.

To say goodbye click here.

cartes à jouer

Titre du mail : « Get the « Iraq Most Wanted » Deck of Cards ! »
Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous.

cartes à jouer (en poster)

Titre du mail : « Iraqi ’’Most Wanted’’ Poster — World Exclusive »
Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous.

cartes à jouer + poster

Titre du mail : « 2 Iraqi Most Wanted Card Decks + Poster --- ON SALE ! »
Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous.

cartes à jouer (variante)

Titre du mail : « Get the I_R_A_Q ’most wanted’ deck of cards, your Last chance »

Le mail :

The U.S. Department of Defense has issued a new set of playing cards for U.S. military forces in Iraq.

The cards each picture a prominent Iraqi war criminal, beginning with Ace of Spades - Saddam Hussein.

The US government has identified a list of 55 most-wanted Iraqi leaders, wanted dead or alive.

Now you can get a deck of these playing cards - sure to be a collector’s item !


Don’t wait on this one ! This is one of the hottest items in the country and we can barely keep them in stock ! Set of four quantity-priced decks also available. Buy them for poker night or to hand out to your friends and family ! The item makes an unforgettable gift for anyone.


cartes à jouer (variante)

Le tittre du mail : « I.r.a.q Most Wanted Deck of Cards - Your One Time Opportunity »

Le mail : cf. ci-dessous

Get yourself a piece of history TODAY ; show your patriotism and support American troops, and the wonderful job they did to keep America Safe. This offer is valid while quantities last.

This is a regulation size real deck of playing cards, printed on Casino-Quality stock. Don’t be fooled by imitations ! Press Here Now

These are the same cards featured on the nightly news. Now you can own the one true collector’s item from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Is the same 55-card deck that was given to our troops featuring the Iraq’s 52 « Most-Wanted » leaders, and that is responsible for capturing about 7 of these most wanted criminals..

Don’t wait on this one ! We can barely keep them in stock ! Set of 4 6 8 quantity-priced decks also available. Buy them for poker night or to give out to your friends and family ! The item makes an unforgettable great gift for anyone.


cartes à jouer (variante)

Titre du mail : « Get the Iraqi Freedom Hero’s Cards — On Sale Now ! »
Le mail : seulement le document ci-dessous.

tasses, tabliers, frees-bee

Titre du mail : Webby Awards and Iraqi Information Minister at CafePress.com

Le mail : le document ci-dessous

mini antenne

Titre du mail : An American Icon to show our pride

Le mail : le document ci-dessous


Titre du mail : Militant Islam - Stay Informed

Le mail : le document ci-dessous


Titre du mail : Don’t be sorry, be prepared

Le mail : le document ci-dessous

PS : les images manquantes ne sont pas de mon fait. Désolé.

la guerre du golfe II

les beasties boys s’en vont en guerre contre la guerre

En route !