
Veille techno

#jTools (bêta) |

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Veille techno

Les meilleurs outils web pour vous aider à écrire

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Veille techno

5 tools to help journalists build great stories

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Veille techno

9 tools for journalists to produce immersive stories | Media news

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Veille techno

Les outils de création interactive

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Veille techno

Datawrapper : Créez des cartes et des graphiques

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Veille techno

Readymag — Outil de publication ultra simple et redoutable

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Telling stories with maps.

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Veille techno

Create online charts & infographics | infogr.am

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Veille techno

Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories

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Veille techno

Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software | Mac OS X | Windows

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Veille techno

Scrollitelling : 3 applications de webdocumentaire au banc d'essai | Archimag

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