Audience and Engagement Syllabus 9-7-15.docx - Google Drive

By David Dufresne, 30 October 2015 | 154 Visits

We have four principal goals for you in this class. 1) Understand the value of Audience Engagement (A/E) in a news organization’s business model. 2) Understand the value of A/E for the journalist. 3) Master the variety of methods through which a journalist (and the news organization as a whole) can build engaged audiences. And 4) Write and Experiment! We want your effort going into producing quality content that experiments with a variety of A/E best practices. Seven weeks is usually not enough time to build a huge amount of traffic that lets you see the results of testing, but we want you to experiment with different approaches. Publishing to a live site will at the very least generate feedback on your efforts from your classmates (and professors).

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