Développement et mécanique.

Fort McMoney: sous le capot de Monsieur Dominic Mercier (développeur)

By David Dufresne, 25 February 2014 | 4374 Visits

Introduction In this first post of the series of 7, i will talk about my experience in building fortmcmoney.com. If you have not seen the project, i suggest you take some time to view it first to have a better understanding of the challenges and decisions i made during the process of developing this huge project.

Exploration: In the second post of this series, i will talk about the different [techniques and iterations i’ve run through to build the photo experience in fortmcmoney.com.

Assets automation with Grunt In the third post of the series, i will talk about the process of creating assets on fortmcmoney.com. If you haven’t read the previous post about the exploration module, i strongly suggest that you read it before reading this one, as it will introduce you to some of the concept behind the exploration module.

Video & Audio In this fourth post of the series, i will talk about my experience in building the video and audio player on fortmcmoney.com. I will discuss about some fails and problems that occurs during the process.

Internationalization In the fifth post of the series, i will talk about how i handled Internationalization (I18N) in fortmcmoney.com. I will explain how this process started and how this process evolved to what it is.

Fort McMoney

Prix du webdocumentaire au 31eme Festival International du Film d’environnement de Paris

En route !