World Press Photo Multimedia Contest 2012

Par David Dufresne, 13 janvier 2012 | 216 Lectures

Voici un appel à projets du World Press Photo.

As we shared with you a couple of weeks ago, the 2012 World Press Photo Multimedia Contest website is open for registration, and the contest is underway. World Press Photo has great expectations for the role of multimedia in the future of photojournalism and is excited to be pushing into new media territory. We hope that our contest will help spur on excitement for and experimentation in multimedia photojournalism.

We would like to ask for your help with this. As a friend of World Press Photo, please help us get the word out that our contest is underway : please take a moment to tweet, blog, update your status, or just send an old-fashioned email inviting your contacts (the usual suspects, but also those who might not yet connect World Press Photo with multimedia) to visit to learn more about the contest.

Information for entrants : The contest is open to all production teams who have produced or published a new multimedia production in 2011. Linear prodcutions up to 20 minutes in length can ben entered and must have a journalistic storyline and incorporate professional still photography. All productions must either be in English or be subtitled in English. When submitting more than one production, each production must be registered separately. Anyone who would like to participate in the 2012 Multimedia Contest must register by January 25, 2012 at 23:59 Central European Time. Once approved, they will be able to upload their production to our contest server.

To take a look at the 2012 multimedia jury, please visit :

Thank you for helping us break new ground !

Best of luck,

World Press Photo


Tarnac : quand l’épicerie était sur écoutes...

En route !